HETT Connect | FAQs
A comprehensive guide on the ‘My Team’ section of HETT Connect can be found on this support page. In addition, our Client Relations team will contact you to provide a platform demo and be on hand to support you through the set-up and beyond.
If you have any questions please contact the Client Relations Team at client.relations@hettshow.co.uk.
What is HETT Connect?
HET Connect is a complimentary, premium networking tool available to exhibitors & visitors alike; enabling them to search for, connect with & arrange 1-2-1 meetings with their target market ahead of HETT 2023.
Use HETT Connect to establish your personal diary & coordinate with your colleagues. View the agenda & add important sessions to your schedule so you don’t miss a beat. Capture those influential leads on the day directly within HETT Connect.
HETT Connect is your one stop shop for enhancing your event experience.
How do I complete my Personal Profile on HETT Connect?
You can find more information on how you edit your personal profile on HETT Connect using this support page.
How do I embed video into my Sponsor Profile on HETT Connect?
HETT Connect supports embeddable Youtube, Vimeo or Glisser links. You may be able to embed videos from other providers but we can’t guarantee correct display. You can find the instructions for uploading video to your company sponsor profile here.
Can I still use physical scanners?
New Feature!
Lead Generation is captured directly within HETT Connect, no more purchasing of additional scanners required.
Simply download the GovNet App from your app store and log into HETT Connect. Leave notes on the leads you generate on-site & always save before moving to the next. All scanned badges can be exported immediately within My Team on the desktop version of HETT Connect.
View the support page for more information. Still have questions? Reach out to your Client Relations contact who will be happy to help
How can I generate leads using HETT Connect?
Leads are generated in the following ways:
1. Badge Scanning: You will be able to make notes on each person scanned & export the data immediately from the My Team section using the desktop version of HETT Connect.
2. Accepted connection requests: Mutual connections between contacts are added to the contact list & can be exported from the My Team section on the desktop version of HETT Connect.
3. Confirmed Meetings: Send out your meeting invites to your target market to ensure you don’t miss an opportunity to meet on-site in our dedicated HETT Connect Lounge or at your stand.
4. Inbound Leads: On the desktop version of HETT Connect, head to Inbound Leads to view who is viewing/interested in your profile, company profile, sessions & colleagues. Review this section and expand your network prior to the event.
5. Session attendance: Sponsors who have session attendee data include in their speaking package can export their leads in real time, post session, from the My Team section of HETT Connect (desktop version only).
How can I export contacts and meetings?
You can export both contact and meetings using the instructions in this support page. Please note, only accepted connection requests, confirmed meetings and badge scans are available for export from your ‘My Teams’ section.
Can I block time out of my teams meeting calendar?
Yes, you can block your team members meeting availability out by following the instructions on this support page.
Is there a limit on the number of meetings I can request?
Yes, the number of pending meeting requests is limited to 28 per team member. The number of team members you’re allowed is dependent on your sponsorship package. Once a visitor has accepted a meeting request this is no longer counted towards your pending meeting limit. We suggest you work as a team to send meeting requests and focus on specific individuals you want to meet who match your ideal buyer profile to maximise what you get out of this limit.
Where can meetings be held?
Meetings can be held either within the HETT Connect Meetings Lounge or on your stand. Our Client Relations Team host the HETT Connect Lounge. Check-in on arrival to be shown to your table. The Team will chase up meeting partners on your behalf. Refreshments are provided, meetings must be pre-booked in advance to guarantee a table.
How do you support the acceptance of meetings?
The Client Relations Team work hard to contact those who have received a meeting request to encourage their response. Please make sure to be pro-active and send out your invites as early as possible to allow us to follow-up for you.
How do I filter attendees to find relevant contacts?
We’d suggest you review your ‘My Recommendations’ section and the attendee list to choose who you would like to book meetings with. You can see a list of attendees by clicking ‘Attendees’ in the left hand navigation menu on desktop or ‘More’ then ‘Attendees on the IOS or Android GovNet App. The best filters to use are the following:
HETT Organisation Type – what type of healthcare organisation the attendee works for selected from a dropdown list e.g. NHS Trust. This is a better field for filtering than Company Name in most cases because Company Name is entered free text by the attendee and it the name they give to the organisation they work in.
HETT Role Type – how the attendee describes their role within their organisation selected from a dropdown list e.g. Project / Programme / Transformation Lead. As with Organisation Type above, this can be a better field for filtering than Job Title in most cases because Job Title is entered free text by the attendee.
HETT Attendee Topic Focus – this tells you what topics the attendee is interested in selected from a dropdown list. e.g. Data Security. It matches the options for HETT Supplier Focus Area that you MUST select as part of your company profile to efficiently drive your reccommendations. Remember a maximum of 3 HETT Supplier Focus Area’s is optimal to get the most targeted reccommendations.
Please Note: On Desktop, these options are annoyingly hidden within the filters panel until you select the down arrow to reveal them. See below:
Your HETT Connect Timeline
We’ve designed this process to be quick and easy but should you have any issues our Client Relations Team will be available to support you every step of the way.
15th August 2023 – Let’s get started!
Your primary and listed team contacts will be added onto the platform, they will receive an invite via email with a registration code asking them to login. Your sponsor profile will be partially setup and waiting for you to verify your logo and information. You will need to add a hero banner and complete any additional information you’d like on your profile. You will receive a video tutorial and guide on how to do these tasks on the same day.
15th August 2023 – 29th August 2023
We will check in to ask if you require support completing your sponsor profile and adding your team members. No visitors will be on the app during this period, but it is important your profile is setup before they begin to be added from the 5th September 2022.
29th August 2023
We will begin adding visitors to the app. It is important your profile and team are added before this date. This is also the date you and your team members can begin requesting meetings and connecting with attendees at HETT Show. We will add new registrations weekly in the weeks leading up to the event and daily during the event week itself so it’s important you keep checking back in to see if your meetings and connection requests have been accepted and so you can request more. Simply, the more effort you put in in the build up to the event the more you will get out of it when you’re onsite.
29th August 2023 – 25th September 2023
Our sponsor and visitor liaison teams will be in touch to offer support booking and confirming meetings ahead the show. For the best results we suggest arranging meetings requests early whilst visitor availability is good.
Exhibition Open – 26th September 2023 – 27th September 2023
Our Client Relations Team will be ready to support you on-site and will be located in the HETT Connect Meetings Lounge. Our team will help with:
The delivery of meetings you have booked onsite.
Setting up badge scanning
Reviewing leads
Booking new meetings during the show.
Help and Support
Have questions still? Not a problem, please reach out to your Client Relations contact: client.relations@hettshow.co.uk who will be pleased to assist.